As we watch the growth of our city, it seems as though many of the constituents’ voices are not being heard. Several of our neighborhoods continue to be underserved. We drive by many improvements and see how other parts of town are well maintained while others continue to be neglected.

But not anymore, I am writing to ask for your help to make change.

My name is Michelle Stearns and I am your Candidate for Harris County, City Council District H. I am running to be your voice and your vote to secure much needed funds and improvements to those neglected areas. Together, we will represent District H to assure all constituents are properly represented.

I am asking for your vote to assure underrepresented areas will no longer be the last, the least or forgotten. We can see change when we work together to make change and I am writing to ask for your backing.

A little bit about me! I am a native Houstonian, a wife, a proud mother and a Pastor. My career path is dedicated to being a Licensed Real Estate Agent, a Licensed Councilor, soon to receive a Bachelors in Leadership from Lions University, an a strong Advocate for my Community. A few of my community involvements are Executive Board of the Texas Democratic Women (Metro Harris Chapter), Former VP of the Houston Lady Lions Executive Board, Ambassador for Houston Pearls, Chaplin of the Harris County Precinct 3 Advisory Board, Democratic Precinct 171 Chair and Harris County Executive Committee Board. My family and I are the Founders of Joseph House Community Outreach Center, a non-profit organization dedicated to empowering and affecting change in our community.

I am ever so thankful, and never take it for granted the recommendations I have been so blessed to have been given for my dedication to my community and surrounding areas. I have been afforded to have been recognized for humanitarian efforts from several of our local television and radio stations and local and state leaders. Last but not lease,

I am listening and I hear you! I will be advocating for all and not some. All of District H deserve policies that benefiting “all”. In order to assure this happens, we must elect the right person to have a seat at the table in the decision making. We also have to make sure decisions are not being to continue pulling resources from underrepresented areas.

Here is what I promise you, integrity, communication and full transparency. I will Represent All!

My Goals are to empower all voting Americans on the importance of voting

To promote SOLIDARITY and EQUALITY to all people as an agent for change. We together can achieve the change globally, by making our voices heard at the ballot box, in communities, from town halls, to city halls, and to the White House, lets become a bigger and better America.”